What have we been led to believe Truth or Fiction?

From the time we are born we are told what our parents are told are “Truths”. What if what they were told were lies? Then we were told the same lies?

What if for generation upon generation we have been led to believe that everything is one way, but in reality it is completely not true?

What if we are told that money is money but in fact it is debt and credit or a numbers game to trick us?

What if we are told religion is our answer to life after death but in fact it is a tool to control people?

What if we are told we are free, but in fact we are really  slaves?

We need to educate ourselves to how the world really works.This was a dictation from listening to speaker Jordan Maxwell I  have thrown a few different examples to express the meaning as I was writing this initially as a letter to someone so I may have missed a few but stay with me in reading it. If you get the first five paragraphs then you will most likely follow through til the end

Take Socrates For example:
Eventually the government back then suggested that he do away with himself. Why?
They accused him of corrupting the youth by teaching them the facts of life. To question government or authority do not buy into everything rather question everything those in power say and do.
The government didn’t want to kill him because he was too popular so they suggested that he do it for them.

Lets look at it this way for example :

Say that you have a two story building before you put any weight on the second story floor, you need to go down stairs and get a ladder and get a building inspector to see if it will hold that weight.
When you do this you are standing under the floor this is how you get an understanding of how it works by standing under the foundation of the second floor. In order to see if it will hold that weight this is how you get an understanding of how it works and if it will hold weight.
So you are going down stairs and going under what you are doing Your standing under what you are going to build on; this is how we get the word understanding.

So unless you are able to go beneath the surface of any subject you don’t understand something unless you dig or go under the subject to get a clearer “understanding”.
So now it is time you understand how the government really works.

A little about the banks:
No bank can loan money.
Banks do not loan money, that’s the law!
Think about this for a bit.
Suppose I put $100,000 in the bank.
Someone else comes in to buy a boat and needs to borrow $200,000.
They are not going to take your $100,000 and someone else’s money to buy a boat.

No way, that is not how it works.
The bank does not loan the money EVER.
This is not how it works:
First they have to have someone appraise what is being purchased.
So let’s say a car is worth $50,000; again this appraiser is placing his appraisal on a paper. A commercial paper which represents $50,000 in business dollars. Now they send this to the bank and then the bank opens an account in your name. So they sign your name without you knowing it, then they take the $50,000 commercial paper and place that into your account so
now you have an account with $50,000; with your name on it. Next  they write a check and sign it over to you so you can give it to the dealer to buy the car so you think the bank lent you the money but in fact that is not what happened. The bank got you credit from the commercial paper, which they are holding. Which confirms they are holding $50,000 credit! No money changes hands. No one gives you any money, they just extend credit or phantom numbers and digits, and create a debt.

This is the better way to explain it:
Say you are a painter, I hire you to come in and paint.
You come in and paint my house and you give me a bill for $100.
I reach in my wallet and pay you a 100 bill. You have been paid 100 bill. I have paid you nothing. I gave you a $100 bill.
You owe me a bill of $100 dollar bills. Take a look at the money we use, seriously look at it .. read what it says on it. Take a one, a five, a ten, a twenty, a fifty, a hundred dollar out and look at them. All they say is that are all what? BILLS. True money would have a value, today these papers are representing money but have no value just like the appraisers commercial paper that states a certain item is worth so much in value.

All we are doing is exchanging paper or values, It is a numbers game where no value is exchanged outside of papers.
The law is you can not pay a bill in America.
Basically you are canceling a (debt) or a bill with a (debt) or a bill, but you own nothing, exchanging paper leads us to think we own things when in fact we do not.
What ever it is you are buying you do not own! That is a fact. ( you only think you own it!)

All you are doing is just an exchange program for you to USE the item.
If you think about lineage, when a families lineage dies off and there are no more sons to pass down the family name, where do all their earthly possessions go? They go back to the state where they lived or the federal government takes possession of them.
Look up the meaning of the words surrounding the death of a person INTESTATE.
No one pays anyone there by law no one owns anything in America.

Very interesting dark stuff and this is destroying the family network.
This is betrayal of the family, once you understand how the law of the world really works.

Look at this scenario as well;
The state has it’s own vehicle.
On the vehicle it will have “for official use only”
When you register your car, in what ever state they send you a sticker. On this sticker there are in small letters the words for official use only. You peel it off and place it on the car. Since the state owns the car, they want to know where the car is. That is why you are required to “register” it every year and also required to maintain insurance on that vehicle so that they know you are protected as well as their property since they own you as well.
Case in fact!

You are owned!
There are laws that state you are owned.
Being that you are owned, your owners do not want you to become hurt, since you are worth money on the NY stock exchange. So you must carry insurance, now we are mandated to maintain health insurance, that was coming for a long time, because too many people are becoming sick and since not every person who got sick had insurance. So now that they have health insurance they are now protected when they get sick.
This is why we have to have a license and insurance.
Getting married is a business as well, since without a license, you can not be in business together, and because this is a business you are required to have a license.

License means a permit to do something.
Without it, it is unlawful.
So you need a license to get married.
You are simply a Maritime product.
Nothing works the way you think it does.
Start thinking where you are going and where your country is going.
Because we are ill informed and we are caught up in the wrong issue like superstars, entertainment and sports, we are not being responsible and  we need to turn to the important things, such as where our country came from? and our history? and what is the ture menaing behind words, their origin.
Why do we have a bank?
Why do we do any banking?

Why do we need a bank? Banks are found on each side of the river. Why do we need them ?because they direct the flow of currency.

Because your money is called currency.
Like the ebb and flow of a current and its called Liquid asset and when you can’t pay for something it is called under water.
It is very easy to get lost in the deception of the world and how we miss what is really going on in this country.
If you think about election time.. we can elect our leaders but the key to this fallacy is we can not select our leaders so what does it matter who is elected. senseless and pointless. Ever wonder why we have crappy choices?
The master who owns us selects those that we can choose to elect. A true election would be one where we can actually decide from the community in whole not just a few that were already selected for us to vote on.
The meaning of the poles are simply a gallop a poll. In other words it is a consensus; they are recording of what the people are thinking. It matters not about who is elected. it could be a purple penis or a pink penis .. You decide, it matters not as whoever is selected will do what it is they are told to do by the one in power who placed them in the electoral campaign.
The masters own us and we elect who they select to run for office.
They are going to take care of themselves, it is their wishes that matter. So they decide what we do we have no need to think for ourselves. We are left in their care, they decide our fate, not us, unless we wake up!
Those who choose not to think for themselves; are followers and have only themselves to blame for where they end up.
Those who think for themselves find knowledge with knowledge comes truth and understanding.
There is no longer freedom, liberty and justice for all. This is an illusion that was created and designed to keep us in place.
It does not pay to confront your masters or government. If you ever worked for a company you will know by now that if you try to tell your employer that they need to change something and how to go about changing it, the entire issue will result in your being shown the door and handed your walking papers. It is no different than this.
The only thing you can do is educate the youth of today by opening their minds and educating them to think for themselves to find another way.
You need to be grounded.
This is very important.
Our bodies are biological and electrical in nature, so we need to be grounded.
You don’t question authority.
You do as you are told, but educate yourself with knowledge and wisdom.
With these tools they give understanding and freedom.
Do not accept what you are told unless you can prove it.
Quietly resist Tyranny.
Tyranny is at the door step.
Find out how commerce works.
Find out how the law really works.
Find out how this country was founded.
Find out where freedom came from.
You will find how far this country has come down this dark hole to tyranny because the people have allowed it.
Albert Einstein once said “the world is a very dangerous place, not because bad people do bad things but because the rest of humanity does nothing.” That is the real truth and the real problem. Most people could care less, so long as they are in ROME with the entertainment and drugs and rock and roll. Pleasure me, but the rest does not matter!
The Untied States is most hated for these reasons.
We are the weakest country in the world because of this mentality.
Knowledge is power and we are dumb and ignorant to this and this is why we are weak. We drown ourselves in all the wrong things and do not seek knowledge and facts. Rather we hide in the television or music or drugs, therefore on the most important facets we lack power due to mental ignorance.
From this point forward question everything.
Read, question and think. Do not take the word of anyone about anything.
Put not your trust in earthly man whom there is not salvation.
Think for yourself.
The world has changed.
We have lost our freedom.
Someone has wanted us to know that they are using us and now the population has turned to entertainment, drugs and alcohol just to get by from day to day.
This is very serious what the masters have in store for us is not going to be welcome change.
In the ancient world ancient European world like Merlin and his magic wand
The wand is a symbol for power.
Hollywood, holly tree is where the wand was made from this explains Hollywood.
Magic- it tells you what the master did in the past and where we are heading these movies of future events this what is planned for us. This is a method of preparing us for what we are needing to prepare for.
Zombies yes. Viruses yes. Aliens yes.
All of this is coming war yes; the wolverines, yes. similar to what happened in Germany yes.
In commerce;
Your body is a security on the NY stock exchange!
There are two types of laws; first the law of the land.
Second the law of the sea or waters.
Most people do not understand the law of the sea is involved here. The legal system is the water or sea side.
Those gates in a court room are refer to as the water gates.
Laws of the land
Water gates

When the water rises, then the gates open.
The wood at the top of the gate has a bar.
You need to pass the “bar examine” in order to be on the other side of the gate.
If you put your hand on the gate and open the gate it is a water gate.
There is a bar on top of the gate (Watergate) you are not licensed to pass the bar, only the attorney, judge and certain officials are licensed under maritime law to pass. So when you pass the bar without a license (all civilians) you are in hot water and you are going to need someone to bail you out.
That is why all commerce and all life has to do with maritime law and the law of the land, both are very different. That is why most people (who understand the law of the land) do not understand that they are not prepared to deal with legalities (maritime law or water laws) as they have a different “meaning” than the law of the land.
Mer is enchanting
Whereby you have enchanted maids or mermaids

So what is commerce?
We are zombies ha,ha now listen for a minute I am serious.
All land in the world, in the western hemisphere especially. The land in the US falls under
a special law governing the land it is called cemetery law.
All land in the united states has streets and building made of cement, because they are covered with cement.
Therefore if you are working or living in and operate in, these buildings  on the land you are presiding in; you will be considered movable property.
In banking law you are referred to as “movable property” therefore if you are moving and breathing on land. Since you are in a cemetery and living in the land you are a zombie according to maritime law. Think about the CDC and guidelines for zombies!!!
The ancient peoples in the world.
Way back in the ancient world, the Romans, even further back, Sumerians or ancient Canaan.
The idea developed there were two things on the earth water or land.
So there were two different types of law.
The law of the land and maritime law or law of the sea, which is money so this is the law of money or sea or water.
Where law of the land pertains to the law of culture or country or land or people they have their own customs or style of living.
What is the difference between the two? They oppose one another.
People’s custom on their land.
Then the law of water is banking.
So a credit card is good anywhere in the world, banking is the same anywhere in the world
Liquid assets!
Maritime admiralty!
Here are some terms used every day:
Money goes through your hands like water: no money is water.
You are drowning in a sea of debt.
Your house is underwater.
Your bank account has dried up.
If you buy something
Buy it with a sale.
Buy a lot of cars at fleet price.
Banks need to be bailed out.
You are trying to stay a float and keep your head above water, with a cash flow from a slush fund.
Because you need to “pool your resources” or you will be “all washed up.”
All these phrases and terms are referring to maritime law.
So the government needs to “trickle down economy”.
Your bankrupt or your mortgage is referred to as “you are going under”
You need an admiral in the navy.
Admiral river bank directs the flow of currency.
Direct currency.
Mari-time admiralty.
Knights and the Vatican, thousands of years ago.
Americans live high on the hogs, because of the system, but most people do not understand the system.
That is why you have an admiral in the Navy.
Funny too, cause the body of a church is called a Nave.
It is involved in the government and set it up under the church so it is body of the church is called a Nave. This is why we have a Navy.
Law of the church where do you find a bank.
They are set on both sides of a river and that is why they are called a river bank.
What do these River banks do?
They direct the flow of the current or currency.
Money is called currency because it is directed by the ebb and the flow or currency.
Money goes through your hands like water and so this can also be traced back to all ships this is another facet of this principle.
All ships are female, same as all automobiles are considered female as well. Ships: be they rocket ships or sailing ships or air ships; they are female by law.
Bring her back to starboard side, mate.
She brings products so she delivers products.
She is in labor to produce, she is producing products to be sold.
All ships are she; she produces the product.
In relation to human production.
The male or man; man-u-factors the product, while she delivers product. While she is in labor.
She is building the product while she is in labor; after he has manufactured the product.
In terms of reproduction.
She is delivering products that she was in labor to be produced and sold.
Most people first hearing this will think it nonsense because they are not familiar with the British maritime admiralty of how the international banking cartel actually operates.

LOOK INTO THIS and then re-read this it will make sense.
Once you understand this you will begin to understand how you were hoodwinked you have been fooled on how the world really works.
This is not nonsense go back into history and do your home work this is the basic facts and truth to how the system works.
Hopefully it will not take you 40 or 50 years like it has taken me. I have only just awakened to this more recently, but still, it took other people namely Jordan Maxwell which is where I took his lectures and started taking notes, the same amount of time researching it to stumble on the foundation of how words and history uncover the facts. I just need to put things in written format for me to completely understand them more recently. The world does not work the way we were taught that it works. We have been lied to from the day we were born.
Here is another example:
When a ship pulls into port,
Where she stops or parks is called her “Berth”.
So you go to the docks and into the pier and go to the “berth” this is where the ship sits and it is tied off at the docks.
For anything she brings in she has to have paperwork so say she brings in 10 million worth of toys each item has to have a “certificate of manifest”.
They have manifested so they need to itemize the products on a certificate with all the vitals on that berth certificate.
So when you were born your mother’s water broke and she delivered you.

In the delivery room she delivered a product.
You are referred to in international maritime law as a human resource.
So when you want to get a job you go to the human resource department because that is all you are is a resource just like oil, rubber, glass, and steel.
So you have to have when your mother signs the birth certificate you will see informant on the left hand bottom it goes to the department of commerce as you are secured on the New York stock exchange the number on the back is your trading value on the NY stock exchange what we are sent today is a certified copy not the original so we can not fully get clarity unless we were to actually be able to get the original which is not possible today.
Since the ship that is sitting there needs a berth (birth) certificate.
Well you are unloading and one of the items breaks well you lost that one then you will have a death certificate well now you will need a doc to sign that as well since it is sitting at the berth birth the Dock doctor will have to sign the certificate.
In courts you are testifying in the dock. If you’re late for work they are going to dock you.
People need to look at the common words used between the bank or water and the land
Law of the sea is money the law of the land is culture of the people.
Why do you have to go into court?
Because the banks own the court.
When you go into court you are going into a bank and someone is going to have to pay money.
A bank you find them on both sides of the river the cash flow of the asset.
The fence and a gate in every court.
The judge side is the water or bank side the side opposite the judge and court members is the law of the land the gate is a water gate the canal has a water gate.
When you stand on the land side you are fine but once you cross the bar of the gate then you are in hot water.
Judges rule from a bench.
Bench is a bank in the ancient world.
In the ancient world in the market place they would display their items on the tables or the bench this is where the exchange of money would be made “on the bench” or bank today a bank is the bench.
This is why when you violate the law they issue a bench warrant. Because they want to know where you are? Where is the money? Where is their money? in other words, where it their assets?
The judge doesn’t care where you are really but the bank wants you; because you hold a value to them. Or maritime law
You pissed them off, they want their money and someone will have to bail you out; and if no one can bail you out, then you yourself will have to serve time since you are 70% water. They will place you in a cell. Since you are a water product and therefore you are worth money to them. So they will sit you in a cell, until you have paid your time for your crime.

If you cant do the time, then don’t do the crime!
Your body is the basis for all banking and all money.
You are a biological battery. An item, simply put.
ruler ship

All ships make money!!
Don’t rock the boat now or you will be in over your head *seriously*
Learn from what I write you here and now.
Everything in government is about money!
If you understand this, you will next see how the insurance companies run the banking industry.
Look up the word “commerce” in a law dictionary.

Yes Intercourse appears and that is no mistake. While you are there look up the word “monster”, this will shock you as well.

Yes you read that correct; A prodigious birth; a human birth.

It is not what you would think it should be is it?
United States has a congress and commerce.
All humans are a company each person is a company and this make the members or people part of a corporation.
This way they can deal in commerce with you.
I see a person who is bad news.
I tell you “she is bad company”
then you tell me
“mind your own business”
then I hear you are going to marry her, so she will become your partner.
Now you are wondering “what are you talking about”

Well you will now become:
business partners
Company business partner which means you have formed
commerce (intercourse)
Your mate on ship is referred to as a partner.
Could be bad company or good company.
If it has stock then we are worth something on the stock exchange. There is a red number on the back of all birth certificates. Go check ! Even the certified copies have that number on them.
“The gal is of good stock”
I am not marrying a cow, no, no she is of good stock! She is movable stock, all humans are movable stock! We are just as cattle or sheep being herded.
When you get married you have to have a license. This means you are going to business together, this means you need a license to get married or a business merger.
Caress and congress
Mate is a corporation.
Lets say general motors wants to do business with general mills. So long as you get an appropriate license to join together to make a new product you may be permitted to do so.
This is a marriage. Company mergers or marry all the time, just as humans do so.
So you need a marriage license.
So you need the proper paper work.
Now you have permission to do business to do business.
Now if you did it without their permission then they have no say. But so long as you have a permit they can tell you what to do.
Without the permit then it is not legal to do business with anyone.
Once you have a permit or license So now they can take what ever they want or tell you how to do things.
When you have children basically that is a product out of two corporations.
We as individuals are a security on the NY stock exchange.
We don’t know what to do about it. We have no power. But knowledge is power so we must learn how things REALLY work
Not rambling
You are on the citizenship
All based on religion, sex, water, land.
Traced back to business thousands of years ago. in the days of the knights.
How many states are in the union 100 states in the federal union maybe 101
Every state is actually two states for every one. California and California state. The State of California is not the same at all. It is a state of, it is not the state at all, it means the federal corporation. The federal government in your state. State and federal .Which means you need to know the type of legal council you will need either a lawyer or an attorney. Are you going to have a trial by jury or a jury trial? They each mean something different.
Words have everything to do with the way the world works and no one today appears to understand the meaning behind the way things work.
The Vatican Europe.
Caucasian white man north, east, west, and south of Europe.
NEWS comes from north, east, west, and south initials.
while it comes from Europe as all roads lead to Rome.
There was already government established there even before the roman empire existed.
A very ancient system.
Druids, the medical teachers all were called druids.
The wand was one of power.
And all played to those who held the wand.
He was the boss ( like Merlin) they were symbolic of power.
The wand is made of holly wood (Hollywood) magic or power is still coming from this wand it is just in a different form.
2300 Rome has dominated Europe and Europe dominates the world.
When it became a democracy; democracy will always collapse.
Pay attention to the words in terms of banking and law. How the develop and how they are used they can be trace back to the 9th 10th 11 century.
Sex, drugs, the church the Vatican all stem from Europe
Knights and the Vatican thousands of years ago.
Even it there is a light at the end of the
Americans live high on the hogs because of the system but most people do not understand the system.
Lets look at it this way for example :
Say that you have a two story building before you put any weight on the second story floor, you need to go down stairs and get a ladder and get a building inspector to see if it will hold that weight.
When you do this you are standing under the floor this is how you get an understanding of how it works by standing under the foundation of the second floor. In order to see if it will hold that weight this is how you get an understanding of how it works and if it will hold weight.
So you are going down stairs and going under what you are doing your standing under what you are going to build on; this is how we get the word understanding.
So unless you are able to go beneath the surface of any subject you don’t understand unless you dig or go under something.
So now it is time you understand how the government really works.
Anyone can sue a corporation by taking you to court.
A us citizen is not the same as an American.
Even if Americans wake up now it is way too late to change it now. It should have been noticed and changed years ago, but it is far too late to change it at this point so understanding
The president is not the president he is the president of a corporation. The corporation of the Untied states which a company. Not the president of America.
People work for him under a corporation
Look up us citizen in a law dictionary does not have access to the bill of rights or constitution.
Is not the By law. Americans have no protection from the law by standing behind the constitution. You have no protections because you are a US citizen.
Just like you can not work for sears and tell them when you want to come in and when you want to go home and how much you get paid or what to do they tell you what to do when and where and how.
A US citizen does not have protection from prosecution
Internal revenue
Home office is in Puerto Rico
Why? Does it have to do with the pirates of the Caribbean?
The number thirteen represent a perfect government.. why because Jesus and his twelve apostles are 13 thirteen represents a perfect government.
It can be traced back to Rome but it can be traced back to India
Why were there thirteen colonies? 13 is connected to perfect government. Why? because it represents the Vatican.
12 signs as the zodiac the sun (son) is your risen savoir.
Jesus and the 12 apostles made up the prefect government why because it represents the Vatican the Vatican represents Christianity. Christianity is sun worship so the sun with the 12 apostles no the 12 signs of zodiac Jesus represents the (sun) (son) he is our risen savoir. Of course the SUN is your risen savoir. It rises every morning, without it we would be dead in three weeks. It the Sun doesn’t rise, we are no longer present.
Christianity is basically sun worship the head of the church is the SUN cult. It can be traced back to Hindu. Jews, Judaism is the worship many gods.
Astrology opens worship to many Gods: Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Moon
Jesus represents the SUN. The son (sun) is the light of the world.
He had 12 followers which are the 12 zodiac signs and this is the 12 months of the year he is the light of the world (Sun).
Horus was the name of the sun god = Horus walked across the sky in 12 steps.. 12 step program alcoholics have a 12 step program, in school there is a 12 step program. 12 grade to graduate. Same here when it came to the first step in the sky is was Horus or the first step; the second step and when it came to the top it was called Horus of the most high (it can not get any higher than high noon) now he is going to confront his evil brother which was called Set or the prince of darkness. Sun rise
Sun set savoir risen at noon.
Sun set it does get dark at sun set.
God’s temple is heaven. There are 12 steps at the highest point, there are no shadows off the pyramids.
Now he is going to die and confront his brother set.
Light in Latin means luscious the name luscious is Luke – Luke sky walker Like sky walker walks across the sky and confronts his evil brother Set or the prince of Darkness
Horus is now spelled HOURS which is the 12 hours to noon or light and the 12 hours of dark
Now you take the dark 12 Horus.
rather take the word Evil add  a D in front of it which changes it to the word devil.
Take an O out of GOOD and you have God.

This is made up based on the basic sun worship, nothing but twisted lies to confuse us. So now in this deception you are really not praying to the GOD you are supposed to be praying to, so you think he is happy with this? Accepting this and not questioning it makes it alright,  yeah sure, when you stand in front of Him when the times comes do so.. Do you think a God is going to believe that you just accepted what you were told without question and BELIEVED it!I dont’ think so. Be ye not deceived.

Religion is a fact, but they have confused the people so much they are not worshiping what they are supposed to. People are deceived to a major level and so long as the majority are complacent people will accept the lies.
90 % of the people who hear this will not get it, but there are the few who will understand it and completely find it comforting and informative and seek to find more to validate what the truth really is.
It is too late to change it, we need to really pay attention to the words and the meanings or origins.
As a lawyer your have to pay attention.
If you are going to be making money you need a license
If you don’t pay attention as a lawyer you aren’t going to amount to anything if you can’t pay attention to the law books where the facts come in lawyers have to understand the maritime law and how water factors into to the scheme of the world water or money. The books were written by an author and you are going to be making money from the knowledge you obtained from that writing so now you will need the license to use the information they gained from the book.
To expound on the lawyer and a attorney.
British accredit registry all lawyers work for the queen of England.
All crime; from stealing bubble gum to murder is considered commerce.
If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime!

you must pay if you do not have the cash flow or currency you will serve with your life in the matter of serving time.

take for instance a traffic violation
A ticket is considered a ticket in commerce.

The LEO signs it, then you co sign it. Read up on that. Once you sign you have for the most part accepted the “deal”

Why do all judges wear black robes?
Because the black robe represents something, what?
Darth Vader, judges, college graduates all of them wear black robes. research what black represents I will but maybe someone else may want to help me with the research and message me so i have time to research other facets of our history to reveal more hidden meanings behind words and history.
Kids that drop out of school were called “A bunch of squares”
They can be purple or black or red in color but the squares have a meaning.
The squares are representative of the planet Saturn
Yahweh God of the Jews or Saturn Shabbat or Sabbath is the worship of Shabbat
Look it up, it is in the dictionary under Saturn planet, the Jews go to Temp EL
The old Venetian El or God.
Saturn also known as the inhibitor also police law judges courts these are all Saturnine terms or words They all imply they can hold you back put you in jail. Saturn is known as the God inhibitor. He holds you back.
This is why the Jews do nothing on Sabbath. So that Saturn can not hold them back. If you are doing nothing then he can not hold someone back from doing it. This is why they hold Saturday as the Sabbath Day in that no one does anything this is their penalty to God he holds them back on Saturday from doing anything on that day.

Did you know there are about
2300 Christian religions
25 – 30 Jewish religions and about
10 Islamic religions
Judaism Abraham, Isaac, Jacob never really was any of these nor David king Solomon. All dreamt up by the knight Templar’s coming back from their crusades from warring with the Islamic people or international bankers, They used a black flag with skull and cross bones. The “Jolie Rogue” or “Jolly Rogers” for those who want to know where that came from. Currently there is a secret society now known as the Skull and Crossbones, they have been around throughout time. They stem from the Pirates of the Caribbean. The roman catholic Knights Templar rolling the high seas robbing, killing, murdering everything in their path. Water boarded pregnant woman, cut fingers off , poured hot led in the babies face. They still hold up their pattern of mayhem but more hidden from the public eye.
Drowned heat hot lead and pour into the mouths of children, burned women and children at the stake. Off the wall hideous crimes.

Now ask how did the catholic church get so big? This is how watch “Death on the sea”.

Columbia Mexico
We are at the final and last part of our republic.
No one caught it because they use the guise of Hollywood to detract from what is really happening
Why are their alter boys
Sacrifice of alter boys is about sex and well hidden
Pointed arch doors
Female mother church
Robes feminine robes a make within the female dress
This is the church
If the pope says the queen can reign then she is given the Divine right since the pope is a representative of God
I used to think history a total bore, now i find new interest in what history has hidden,

Consider this next: Why 3 different religions? Islam, Christianity and Judaism
Because all religions are based on three the triangle or three Gods in one.

All religions have 3 gods in one or a tri-god or trinity.
The three points

Christianity Father, son and Holy Ghost.
Ancient Egyptian Isis, Horus, Osiris
Ancient Hindu gods were Brahman, Vishnu, Shiva.
Arabic people worship the moon God Islam has 10 different Islam religions
Jews worship Saturn; Saturn puts the hex on you.
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Lord of the rings was Saturn.
Marriage gets the rings.

The word pope  in Latin is PAPA  which means father (pappas) originally an affectionate term meaning “father”, later referring to a bishop or patriarch. In order to speak to God one has to Access to the conclave which is free through one door only locked from without by the Marshal of the Conclave and from within by the cardinal. The Latin meaning for Cardinal is the word hinge. Cardinal “high church official,” from Latin cardinalis (adjective) “principal, most important, of a hinge,” from cardo “hinge”

Therefore the hinge or (Cardinal) to the door the (Conclave), which gives us access to the (Pope) or the Father.

(He is the door to the day or God (minor of  fish head (Enki) holy seed money the cash flow notes for later))

Why do we have police?
After the civil war the us republic was replaced with a corporation you cant say I have constitutional rights you cant tell me what to do
That is policy; it is not law of the land
The US has policy which is backed up by the police.
Know this a lot to consume but this is the way it really is..We are living lies they have enforced for centuries to deceive the people so they can be controlled easily.
A republican and democracy party are occult symbolism an eagle has a left wing and a right wing there are nine tail feather stands for the council of 9
There are 13 stars on the dollar bill
No one knows what these stand for really
Why are these stars over the head of the eagle
The configuration of these stars make up a star or 6 pointed star or hex which is two inverted triangles
Which means the dollar is hexed
If you wear the 6 pointed star is a hex the Star of David is a hex star all Jews wear this star. The name or term star of David was coined but has no reference. Although Saturn reference is a hex or curse.
Personify luscious
or high noon equals hours

I will update more in time so book mark and come back in a few weeks  I will put more up at a later date.

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